GoHighLevel: The Definitive Insider GoHighLevel Review by CustomerBloom

Sep 30, 2020

At ProfitEngines, we use the finest tools on the market to help our clients reach their maximum potential growth. But ProfitEngines is actually built on a platform known as GoHighLevel, which thousands of marketing teams and agencies have adopted since their launch in 2018 to fulfill all their essential tool needs.

In this definitive insider GoHighLevel review and guide, we discuss exactly what makes GoHighLevel the software of choice for thousands of the highest-performing agencies in the digital marketing industry.

In this review you will learn all about:

Chapter 1:
GoHighLevel 101 – The Basics

In this first chapter, we discuss the fundamentals and basics behind GoHighLevel, giving you everything you need to know before we dive deeper into the platform.

Chapter 2:
GoHighLevel – Comparing the Market and Possible Issues

In this chapter, we discuss GoHighLevel’s position on the market and how it compares against similar platforms and software. We also discuss existing issues with Go HighLevel and how it can improve moving forward.

Chapter 3:
Deeper Look into GoHighLevel Features

In this section we take a deeper look into the GoHighLevel platform and discuss our favorite features, how they work, and how exactly they help. We share the most distinctive aspects of GoHighLevel and what makes this platform uniquely superior.

Chapter 4:
GoHighLevel Case Studies

To get the clearest understanding of how GoHighLevel can change the way your agency works, we look into case studies and GoHighLevel review personal experiences from real agencies and teams. In this chapter we highlight two case studies discussing how exactly their agency and service were improved by High Level.

Chapter 5:
GoHighLevel Review and Final Round-Up

Our final review – is GoHighLevel worth the hype? In this chapter we wrap it all up and give you the most honest answer to the question: should your agency sign up to GoHighLevel?

Any marketer or agency looking to understand everything there is to know about GoHighLevel before starting their free trial should go through this review. Learn how this software can improve your agency, whether you focus on voice calls and voice call tracking, social media management, landing page creation, email marketing, or anything else.

Chapter 1:
GoHighLevel 101 – The Basics

In this first chapter, we discuss the fundamentals and basics behind GoHighLevel, giving you everything you need to know before we dive deeper into the platform.

What is GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel or HighLevel is perhaps the most interesting tool and platform to come out for agencies and marketers over the last decade. GoHighLevel is a unique collection of the most crucial digital marketing tools that agencies use to boost their clients’ online presence and online marketing performance.

Simply put, GoHighLevel is the ultimate all-in-one toolbox for full-service digital marketing agencies. The GoHighLevel platform gives agencies the ability to perform everything they do for clients – from building landing pages to tracking calls, from following up on reviews to nurturing leads into customers – all on a single platform.

Finally, users can try all these features with a 14-day free trial.

What is GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel offers two main packages: the Agency Starter Account and the Agency Unlimited Account, priced at $97 and $297 respectively with a 14-day free trial.

Realistically, you would only want to get the $97 starter account agency plan if you’re a single person or a two- or three-man team, but even then you might find yourself lacking. The next plan after the starter account (which you can try with a free trial) gets you everything you need and more – your value for money with this is through the roof.

The Agency Unlimited Account gets you all the GoHighLevel features plus a custom domain and platform, with unlimited accounts for your clients so they can explore your branded platform and enjoy a more valuable agency experience. Sign-up process for the free trial is quick and simple.

So what tools do you gain access to when you use GoHighLevel? The platform focuses on fulfilling all tools a digital marketing agency would need and solving any pain points that comes with incorporating those tools together. Essentially, GoHighLevel can be thought of as your “agency engine”, with all the functionality needed to efficiently capture, nurture, and close your client’s leads.

The flexibility and uses of the platform are endless and continue to grow every week, with an active community and developer team always updating and adding to the platform. Here are some of the most essential tools you’ll find when you use GoHighLevel, even with the free trial:

  • Email marketing
  • SMS marketing or text message marketing
  • Unlimited sales funnels, funnel builder
  • Website builder, landing page builder
  • Call tracking
  • Survey and form builder
  • Booking and appointments
  • CRM and pipeline management
  • Tracking and analytics with connected platforms such as Google My Business

A subscription to Go HighLevel also grants your team access to HighLevel’s white-label services, giving you extra sets of hands and skill sets for whatever occasion. We go into this more later on and exactly why this feature is so nifty.

What Problems Does GoHighLevel Solve?

GoHighLevel, free trial or paid, solves a number of problems for agencies. The most important of these include:

1) Tool Spam – Cost, Security, and Data Issues

The service list expected of full-service digital marketing agencies continues to expand, and in 2020 these services have created tool bloat.

Separate tools are used for email marketing, SMS marketing or text message marketing, sales funnels, website building, call tracking, survey and form creation, booking and appointment management, CRM and pipeline management, social media management, voice call tracking and analytics, landing pages and funnel builder, and much more.

And this leads to its own set of problems, including:

  • Wasted time spent simply managing the tools, accounts, and data migration
  • Separate high costs for each tool
  • Data spread across various tools in conflicting formats
  • Greater security risks for the agency and its clients with data unnecessarily spread across a number of platforms
  • Email bloat, newsletter bloat, account information bloat
  • Greater risk of bottlenecking your team if one tool out of many goes down

High Level solves this by bundling all tools you might need under a single platform. Instead of managing ten different tools each with multiple team accounts, an agency will only need to manage a single tool with a single set of accounts, data, and most importantly, cost. Your free trial agency plan will give you access to all the following tools:

All types of marketing agencies can benefit when they use GoHighLevel through the white label desktop app, even with just a free trial.

2) Task Build-Up Minimized Through Automation

One of the biggest issues successful agencies face is simply having too much to do, long before their team expands enough to accommodate the growth. The reason for this is that agency growth generally leads to exponential task growth rather than gradual task growth.

This can lead to a snowballing situation where the team fails to keep up with ever-growing demands. Exponential growth occurs because of the following:

  • Having more satisfied clients leads to more referrals, with each client possessing their own unique network. One leads to two, which leads to four, which leads to eight, and so on
  • As an agency grows, they begin acquiring larger clients. Larger clients have greater demands – more search engine optimization, more leads, more messages, more landing pages, more active marketing efforts and goals
  • Expertise and service build-up, with growing agencies offering more and more services to their clients

Go HighLevel allows agencies to automate many of their tasks, even tasks you wouldn’t normally think could be successfully automated. While learning how to automate certain tasks and sequences can be tricky, once your agency sets it up, your team can save hundreds of hours every month.

Some examples of tasks that can be automated include:

  • Link building
  • On-boarding automation sequence
  • SMS text message marketing and voicemail drops / voice call marketing
  • Pipeline organization
  • Voice calls; call tracking and reporting
  • Follow-up and nurture sequence
3) Clunky and Incompatible Features Made Seamless

As an agency expands on its offered services, each service requires a new tool or platform that the team must master. The tricky issue is finding the best tool for the new service that can work with your existing set of tools without too much difficulty. This can lead to semi-perfect solutions that require continuous unique touchpoints, unnecessarily bogging down the process of integrating one tool with another.

GoHighLevel software fixes this because everything is built with everything else in mind. Unlike specialty tools that focus on one main feature – email marketing, website building, appointment booking, landing pages and funnel builder – Go HighLevel thinks about everything and considers how these features are used with one another.

This means nothing will feel unnatural, because if you need to use two or three separate tools in a sequence for whatever reason, GoHighLevel will have already thought of this possible and built this sequence to flow easily into your user experience.

Finally, readily compatible components encourage exploration. Agencies and teams will gradually understand more and more uses of tools they didn’t think about before, simply because tools once existed on separate and individual platforms.

Integrating seamless automation and interactions between separate tools will become a regular part of the experience when working with GoHighLevel.

Who Is the Target Audience of GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel is a platform made by agencies, for agencies. The Go HighLevel platform was built by industry veterans in the digital marketing community, with decades of cumulative experience in the business that gives them a true understanding of the biggest pain points and growing needs of agency teams.

What makes Go HighLevel such a treat is that its pricing is affordable for any type and size of agency. On top of this, it can also be successfully integrated into the workflows of the smallest agencies to the largest enterprise-level teams. Essentially, any agency still looking for that perfect all-in-one platform is in the target audience of High Level.

Here are some clearer goals you might have in mind:

  • Equipping your team with the proper instruments to scale your business before you become overburdened
  • Creating an agency-wide culture of consistently capturing, nurturing, and closing every lead your clients receive
  • “Cutting the fat” when it comes to cost bloat, platform and tool bloat, and admin bloat, or the time spent managing and dealing with so many separate tools
  • Selling your online courses, digital products, and any other virtual services with more ease through an integrated funnel builder and landing page builder for efficient landing pages
  • Legitimizing your name or your brand with your own white-label platform for clients to use, giving them a fuller and more value-driven experience

And you can try all of this with the simple sign-up process for the free trial, gaining access to the desktop app and the GoHighLevel software and dashboard for your business.

Chapter 2:
GoHighLevel – Comparing the Market and Possible Issues

In this chapter, we discuss GoHighLevel’s position on the market and how it compares against similar platforms and software. We also discuss existing issues with Go HighLevel and how it can improve moving forward.

Is GoHighLevel the Best All-In-One Platform Available?

You always want to make sure you are opting for the best version of the tool you’re buying before you sign up, which is why it’s important to ask if GoHighLevel is the only all-in-one agency tool platform on the market, and if it isn’t, whether it’s the best one available.

The answer to whether it’s the only one of its kind on the market is both yes and no. There are other platforms that offer a similar range of services and features as Go HighLevel. Some CRM platforms include Hubspot, MindBody, Acuity, Infusionsoft, Insightly, and Pipedrive, although none of these are exactly like GoHighLevel in terms of tools and features offered, developer insight, and existing community.

But we want to compare GoHighLevel against those considered the best in the industry, which are typically Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce. While both Dynamics 365 and Salesforce have more years on the market and greater reputations, we would still recommend GoHighLevel for the following reasons:

  1. It offers the best per-dollar value for agencies of all sizes
  2. It has a more flexible platform, with an active community and customer support team, as well as new features and updates added all the time
  3. It is specifically built with the agency customer profile in mind – you get only the marketing tools your team really needs, and nothing else

Let’s compare GoHighLevel pricing and features with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365.


Salesforce offers a wide range of Marketing Cloud solutions, including:

  • B2B Marketing Automation – “Build pipeline, leads, and better experiences”
  • Email, Mobile, and Journeys – “Personalise and automate journeys at scale”
  • Social Studio – “Engage, publish, and analyze across channels and accounts”
  • Advertising Studio – “Leverage data to manage advertising at scale”
  • Audience Studio – “Strengthen relationships with unified data”
  • Datorama – “Connect, analyze, and act on all your data”
  • Google Marketing Platform – “Simplify buying experiences with analytic tools”

Unlike Go HighLevel, Salesforce doesn’t offer one packaged agency solution. Each of the solutions listed above is actually its own package with focused features supporting that solution.

If you’re only looking for Email, Mobile, and Journeys, you would have to pick from the following:

If you want B2B Marketing Automation, you can choose from a monthly subscription cost of $1250 to the “most popular” option of $4000.

Each package comes with its own advanced and hyper focused features, as well as its own unique cost. Here’s a breakdown of the packages alongside their respective features and costs:

For easier table view, please turn your device horizontally and table will be visible.
Price Options
B2B Marketing
Lead Generation, Qualification, and Management
Email Marketing and Personalisation
Marketing and Sales Intelligence
Advanced Automation, Personalisation, and Qualification
Advanced Analytics and Reporting
Business Units
Artificial Intelligence for Marketing and Sales
Growth: $1250

Plus: $2500

Advanced: $4000
Email, Mobile, and Journeys
Email Marketing
Content Creation
Integration with Salesforce Sales Cloud
Journey Builder
Mobile Messaging
Powered by Einstein
Manage Multiple Businesses
Basic: $400

Pro: $1250

Corporate: $3750
Social Studio
Salesforce CRM Integration
Brand Listening and Engagement
Community Engagement and Social Care
Monthly Mentions
Publishing Across Social Networks
Social Accounts
Third-Party Mobile App Partner Access
Basic: $1000

Pro: $4000

Corporate: $12,000
Advertising Studio
Activate Your CRM Data for Advertising
Automatically Refresh Audiences
Real-Time Lead Capture
Journey Builder Advertising
Security and Access Controls
Professional: $12,000
Audience Studio
Audience Discovery
O&O Search Data Capture
Extend Data Feed
Einstein Journey Insights
Einstein Segmentation
Basic: $18,000

Professional: $36,000
Data Integration Engine
Harmonisation Center
Data Visualization & AI Insights
Starter: $3000

Growth: $10,000
Google Marketing Platform
Google Analytics 360
Google Analytics 360 Integration for Marketing Cloud
Tag Manager 360
Optimize 360
Google Analytics 360: $12,500

Google Analytics 360 + Optimize 360: $17,500

Don’t get us wrong – the advantages you would get from the full Salesforce package experience would be enough to equip any team with the tools they need to give any client the best support possible. But the problem with Salesforce is that each set of tools – and each unique price – is incomplete on its own.

A reliable digital marketing agency would require tools out of marketing automation, emails and mobile marketing, community engagement, lead capture and audience discovery, and more.

These are all packaged under separate buckets, with a total cost range of $48,150 - $95,250. If you were only looking for the key essential tools that GoHighLevel offers, you would need to subscribe to:

  • B2B Marketing Automation
  • Email, Mobile, and Journeys
  • Social Studio
  • Advertising Studio

This all comes down to a lowest possible cost of $14,650 per month. You would also be left with a bulk of extra advanced tools and features that your team might never touch, meaning a huge chunk of your investment is just wasted every month.

Compared to GoHighLevel’s Agency Unlimited account of $297 per month, which gives you only the absolute essentials you need (plus new essential tools coming every month), it can be hard to justify Salesforce unless you run one of the top marketing firms in the world.

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 is Microsoft’s full-suite answer to business solutions, ranging from marketing to operations. Like Salesforce, Dynamics 365 offers hundreds of tools and answers while suffering from the same issue – it’s simply too big and too pricey of a solution for most agencies to seriously entertain.

Dynamics 365 offers independent solutions packages in:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Customer Service
  • Field Service
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • Commerce
  • Human Resources

Each range of solutions is then divided into a separate cost. For example, in Marketing, prices start at $1500 per tenant/month for Marketing solutions, and $1500 per tenant/month for Customer Insights solutions.

In Sales, there are further package breakdowns, including unique packages for Sales Professional, Sales Enterprise, Customer Insights, Microsoft Relationship Sales, Sales Insights, and Forms Pro.

This continues with every division of tools, from customer service all the way to commerce and human resources. This can be more convenient for teams looking for exact and specific tools to complement another full-service platform, such as GoHighLevel.

If you want to minimize costs while getting the most essentials tools for an agency, you might consider signing up for the Marketing package. Some of the key selling points they explore include:

  • Orchestrating customer journeys with triggered events
  • Attracting the right prospects with targeted, multi-channel marketing campaigns
  • Quickly creating campaign assets with configurable templates and reusable content blocks
  • Running business-unit-level marketing with custom audience targeting and shared reusable campaign content
  • Simplifying event management with management tools and capabilities

All of these capabilities and more are available with GoHighLevel (we go into these exact features below), alongside a number of other essential features that don’t require your agency to subscribe to multiple packaged solutions. For the most basic Dynamics 365 Marketing package, you would pay $1500 per tenant/month if you have no other Dynamics 365 application, which is several times higher than GoHighLevel’s $297 per month.

Dynamics 365 is a great tool, but it requires a lot of personalizing and selective tool purchasing to make sure your team is only paying for what you need without any additional features you might never touch. This platform is much more flexible than Salesforce, making it a good option for selectively complementing your GoHighLevel experience if you feel you need additional functionality with your tools.

GoHighLevel – Your Best All-in-One Agency Choice?

To return to the question – is GoHighLevel the best all-in-one platform available? – the answer is a resounding yes. When compared to leading platforms on the market, GoHighLevel offers advantages that the others can’t compete with, such as:

  1. All the essential tools that would help ANY agency perform their day-to-day tasks with improved speed and capability right away
  2. No need to pick and customize your agency plan, paying extra for necessary individual functions or paying for any features your team will never touch
  3. Founding team of agency veterans who understand the major pain points of agencies with a community helping them grow and develop new essential features as the industry evolves
  4. Your own white label platform to further legitimize your brand or name to your clients
    A more compact and approachable agency experience, whereas Salesforce and
  5. Dynamics 365 are much larger platforms that would negatively overwhelm small-medium sized teams
What Problems Does GoHighLevel Have? How Can It Improve?

High Level is a great platform that can immediately boost the performance and efficiency of any agency, but it doesn’t come without its own unique problems and issues. Let’s go into its current problems and areas the platform can continue to improve on over time:

1) Less Customization

It’s important to remember that Go HighLevel was only released back in 2018, meaning it still has a few kinks that need to be worked out. And with so many features on a single platform, there are a lot of minor issues here and there that require attention. One of these is the inflexibility of some of the tools, resulting in less customization than you might need.

For example, Go HighLevel automated campaigns run on “triggers”, the events that lead to the next action in the campaign or funnel. Setting up triggers ends up looking like this:

Clicking any of those triggers leads you to the trigger page, where you need to fill in Box 1: “What should trigger this rule?”:

Box 1 and Box 2 contain a number of options for possible triggers and possible actions respectively:

The issue is the lack of flexibility when setting up these triggers. Agencies are limited by the lack of standard IF/AND/OR/ELSE operators, making the trigger function simplistic and limiting what it can accomplish.

Other minor customization and flexibility issues include:

  • When handling a client with multiple locations and different time zones, GoHighLevel doesn’t recognize the possibility of locations having different time zones, and a single default time zone is set for all locations
  • Connecting multiple booking calendars for easy syncing is impossible on the platform, as GoHighLevel uses Google Calendar as the middleman (which itself is sometimes buggy)
  • A lot of the components on the platform are standardized with some customization available, which can be valuable for small-mid-sized teams who don’t need absolute customization

But another reason why GoHighLevel is so attractive as a platform is because none of these issues last too long, with a transparent and open community-centered Ideas board for users to connect with developers regarding the most pressing issues. We’ll go more into this below.

2) Slow (Yet Reliable) Support

When it comes to the support team, GoHighLevel both excels and falls short. They’ve done a great job in two areas:

  1. Setting up the personal and automatic systems to help onboard new clients
  2. Creating the community and engagement tools for members to work with

For example, all new agencies experiencing the free trial sign-up process for GoHighLevel are processed through the 1-on-1 concierge setup service, which involves a live video onboarding call with the GoHighLevel team:

Booking a demo and free trial onboarding session is simple, quick, and easy, and GoHighLevel is always ready to give their complete support:

They also offer a host of onboarding tools that your team can use for any extra help you might need setting yourselves up, with an incredibly active YouTube channel that publishes content almost daily.

All this on top of a private Facebook group with thousands of active members (co-founder Sean Parker is an active poster) engaging with one another and answering each other’s questions, GoHighLevel almost has the perfect support.

The small issue that we’ve had to deal with is the slight delay we experience sometimes with certain tickets. When submitting a ticket, regular response rates are said to be about 12 hours, but we’ve had experiences of waiting 2 days or more.

While this might be a minor hiccup in an otherwise stellar support system around GoHighLevel, it is something worth noting and hopefully something that can be improved upon in the future.

3) Difficult Balance Between Implementing New Features and Polishing Existing Ones

This last point is less of a pressing issue and more of a discussion on how GoHighLevel can continue to improve moving forward. Go HighLevel is uniquely transparent and engaging with its community, meaning they are always in the process of considering new features to implement and dealing with existing features that have issues.

There can be some conflict on development allocation, with some users believing that existing features need to be perfected before new features should be released, and other users believing new features should always take priority despite whatever current bugs exist on the platform.

The Go HighLevel team seems to be keeping a good balance on both development fronts, with recent videos on their YouTube channel showing the latest updates to the existing Account Snapshots tool and implementation of a new Membership Triggers feature.

Chapter 3:
Deeper Look into GoHighLevel Features

In this section we take a deeper look into the GoHighLevel platform and discuss our favorite features, how they work, and how exactly they help. We share the most distinctive aspects of GoHighLevel and what makes this platform uniquely superior.

Best GoHighLevel Features: Our Top 6 GoHighLevel Features

1) Snapshots

Small-mid-sized marketing agencies generally come in two types: either you’re focused on your location or you’re focused on a certain industry or type of business, or you do a little of both. Finding your niche makes it easier to hunt for and attract clients, as your entire brand and site is marketed towards their type of business.

And with GoHighLevel’s Snapshot Funnels feature, working with certain categories of businesses is easier than ever. Account Snapshots is a sidebar on the agency view on your High Level dashboard, and when you click it you see this:

A Snapshot is essentially a template that your team can use to handle everything you need to set up a funnel with a new client. If you primarily work with chiropractors, gyms, attorneys, hair salons, or any other type of business, you can use one the existing Snapshots on GoHighLevel to immediately be 75% done with setting up your new client.

For added convenience, each Snapshot comes with its own resources, including a video tutorial overview…

Example Facebook ads, so you can get a feel of the type of ads in the selected industry…

And a complete Setup Guide for maximum funnel builder assistance:

If your team has its own preferences for your funnels, you can create your own custom Snapshots and simply clone and recreate those Snapshots again and again, personalizing the custom details with new client information every time:

Cloning Snapshots rather than starting from scratch every time will save your team hundreds of hours over the lifetime use of GoHighLevel, making every new client that much easier to handle. And yes – this is all available in the free trial.

2) Reputation Management

Reputation management can mean a number of things, but in the context of GoHighLevel and digital marketing, it generally revolves around maximizing positive comments and actively seeking negative experiences and improving on them.

Customers tend to only leave reviews when they’re either extremely satisfied or any level of disappointed. This can negatively skew a business’s online reputation, and without anyone actively pushing customers to leave comments, a business will end up with much fewer reviews than they could’ve had.

GoHighLevel makes customer nudging and review procurement so easy. Since the system already has your client’s list of clients in the database, High Level already has all of the information it needs to nudge customers for reviews.

Simply press the green button in the upper left corner of your client’s account page.

This will trigger a pop-up where you enter the customer name and their contact email or phone number (which will fill in for itself since the customer is already in the system.

A review invite will be sent to the customer, encouraging them to leave a review or contact the team if they had a negative experience. How the customer is engaged all depends on your automatic review request messaging sequence, which determines the email or text message to be sent, how long after their visit it should go out, and more.

Teams can then check on the status of their review requests by clicking over to the Reputation tab on the sidebar on the dashboard and going to “Review Requests”, which will show them the list of their requested reviews and their respective statuses:

Finally, on the “Review” page, the team and the client business can check on their entire library of existing reviews across all integrated channels – Google, Facebook, and more. This gives the business the ability to respond to all reviews from the GoHighLevel platform with maximum convenience:

3) Smart Lists

Smart Lists is the perfect example of how quickly High Level grows and evolves, with no features built in according to community ideas and suggestions. Smart Lists was only added a few weeks ago, but it’s already been updated a few times with tweaks and quality of life improvements.

So what are Smart Lists? Essentially, the Smart List features gives users absolute flexibility to manage their list of contacts or customers in whatever way possible.

Here’s what the Smart List looks like with zero customization:

Think of everything you might ever need to do with your customer list as a business. Maybe you want to contact everyone who has a phone number but doesn’t have an email address. Maybe you’re looking for customers of a certain age. Or if your customers or leads are on different stages of a pipeline, you need to sort them according to which stage of the pipeline they’re on.

For example, in the image below we’ve instantly pulled up all the customers who don’t have their email address listed. Now you can easily reach out to every client who still needs to submit their email address:

Smart Lists filters give you the option to do whatever you want. The filters include:

  • Address
  • Age
  • Birth Date
  • Campaign
  • City
  • Created
  • DND
  • Email Address
  • First Name
  • Import
  • Last Activity
  • Last Appointment
  • Last Name
  • Offer
  • Phone
  • Pipeline
  • Pipeline Stage
  • Pipeline Status
  • Post Zip Code
  • Product
  • Source
  • State
  • Street Name
  • Tag
  • Type
  • Updated
  • Wildcard Name

You can save the filters to your lists and save as many Smart Lists as needed, from email address to telephone number to last names, allowing you to move from one list of customers to another immediately for whatever purpose.

And what makes this even better – once you have your Smart List on your desktop app or mobile app, all you have to do is click it and you’ll be sent to a direct messaging platform where you can reach out to every person on the list individually.

Considering how new Smart Lists is as a feature, we’re still getting used to it, but the time-saving and efficiency potential is incredible.

4) White Label Services

The White Label Services option honestly surprised our team; it was something we had missed when we were doing our research into GoHighLevel after the free trial, so seeing it on the page after signing up and learning about it was a fun surprise (especially when we realized its potential).

GoHighLevel calls it HighLevel Services, which is their white-label fulfillment arm that provides agencies with the extra help they need for marketing services. You might need to use HighLevel Services if…

  • You are a freelancer or small marketer business owner and your client is asking for extra services beyond your current skill set, and you don’t want to lose them to another marketer or marketing team
  • Your team had a sudden rush of new clients or new work that you can’t afford to lose, but you don’t have the time to hire new or temporary staff to help out
  • Your agency is considering offering a new service to your clients, but you don’t want to hire new staff or expand your team’s skills before seeing how clients respond
  • You are working with a new client from an industry you’ve never worked with (or don’t have much experience with), and you need expert help in terms of industry compliance, regulations, jargon, and more
  • Your team wants a custom mobile app in the mobile app stores with your brand

HighLevel Services gives agencies the ability to instantly expand whenever they need it, without the need to hire and onboard short-term and temporary contractors who may be unreliable.

Some of these services include:

  • Agency Jumpstart
  • Customer Rush Pack
  • Facebook & IG Ads
  • Funnel Build
  • Google & Bing Ads
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Home Service Rush Pack
  • Listing Manager
  • Patient Rush Pack
  • SEO
  • Social Media Management Tool and Services
  • Website Build
  • Mobile App Build

And tons more. The value for money of these services is extremely reasonable, and tons of marketers have signed up mostly to get their own mobile app on the mobile app store. What better way to show off your brand than by telling your clients to download your custom and branded mobile app?

By clicking any of the service options, you get redirected to a page detailing the price structures as well as everything included in the offer:

So why do we love this so much at our agency? Because it makes our agency infinitely flexible with zero preparation. Before HighLevel Services, we had to manage our outreach and workloads with more caution, because expanding to too many clients or too much of a certain task too rapidly would bottleneck us, leaving us with no time to hire the additional help we needed.

Now we don’t have to worry about this at all – unexpected work (whether social media, page builder, conversion rates help) that requires additional hands can be outsourced to HighLevel Services, and if we need a more permanent solution, we can give ourselves the time to make those changes in our teams.

5) Conversations

We can’t stress enough just how enhanced of an experience your team and your clients will get simply by having everything bundled together on a single, compact platform.

It makes features (that might be ordinarily simple and basic when separated across multiple channels and platforms) immediately much more attractive, because the ease of accessibility makes a crucial part of your work that much easier to manage.

In this case we’re talking about GoHighLevel’s Conversations. In short, Conversations pulls all of a client’s customer conversations across all relevant channels and collects them on a single message stream. Yes, this can act as your SMS text messaging platform.

Here’s how the typical Conversations page looks:

Here’s exactly why this is so convenient:

  1. Accessing your client’s conversations – emails, SMS, voice call recordings – with their customers is just a single click of a tab on the sidebar on your dashboard
  2. The conversations are formatted like Facebook Messenger, making it easy and familiar for all marketing agencies and business owners who use GoHighLevel to work with
  3. No matter how their customers try to reach your client – email, SMS text messaging, voice calls recordings, Facebook Messenger – their conversations will be compiled under a single stream
  4. Your team can check in at any time to see if your client is responding to the customer email or text messages in the way they were instructed. No SMS text messaging or email deliverability issues to deal with
6) The Community

The community is a huge part of what makes High Level so unique, and we’re not just adding this in to include a last sixth feature on the list.

Whereas other platforms set up a Facebook page and then let the community live or die on its own, High Level actively engages with its community of thousands of top agencies and marketers, because they know that by engaging with their customer base, they can refine and enhance their product.

One way they do this is with the Ideas board, which we mentioned earlier. Let’s take a deeper look into it.

The Ideas section exists on the sidebar of the Agency view of your dashboard, and it’s essentially a built-in forum for everyone with a GoHighLevel agency account. It works like most popular forums – you submit an idea, and if people like it, they can vote it up. Trending posts (or posts with a lot of conversation and votes) become more visible to the developers, who then take the idea and work on it.

And we’re not joking when we say the community is active. The Ideas forum gets several posts per day:

And the Facebook group has thousands of members interacting with each other on a daily basis, with dozens of posts per day (and quite a few of them from the GoHighLevel support team and developers!):

“The community” is rarely ever a good selling point for most products out there, but High Level has made their community work for them by working with them, and that leads to an overall superior product for everyone to enjoy.

You never feel like you’re working with a nameless, faceless giant corporate entity – there’s always interaction, always outreach, and always a dialogue going on.

Chapter 4:
GoHighLevel Case Studies

To get the clearest understanding of how GoHighLevel can change the way your agency works, we look into case studies and GoHighLevel review personal experiences from real agencies and teams. In this chapter we highlight two case studies discussing how exactly their agency and service were improved by High Level.

GoHighLevel Case Study #1 – Applichat

In one GoHighLevel reviews posted on DigiNo by the digital marketing agency Applichat, they described how it took a single month to grow from one client to five, but they had a problem: their leads weren’t converting into paying customers for their clients, and this was because Applichat’s service was focused too much on capturing the leads but failed to help their clients nurture and close them.

While they were getting great results with capturing leads with their campaigns, they had given their clients zero assistance for reaching out to those leads and educating the staff on how to automate the process to nurture and close as many as possible.

They began with a free trial, and GoHighLevel equipped the Applichat team with the tools needed to automate the nurturing and closing process, making it as easy as possible for their clients to convert their leads into sales. According to Applichat, the biggest advantages of integrating GoHighLevel into their process were the following:

  • Nurturing leads became automated through automatic follow ups, thus maximizing their conversion rates
  • Their clients loved their custom GoHighLevel CRM platform, claiming that it was easy to learn and understand
  • Various support channels to contact the GoHighLevel team for any backend issues

Applichat’s GoHighLevel review also discusses the financials behind making the switch to GoHighLevel. Whereas previously they were using Calendly, Active Campaign, and Manychat for scheduling, email marketing, and Facebook Messenger CRM respectively, they now replaced all of those tools with GoHighLevel.

This led to cumulative savings of $40 per client, or about $200 overall per month saved with their five clients. For teams that might have 20, 40, or 100 clients, these savings continue to grow. And that’s just on the client costs; for agency costs, Applichat reported estimated savings of $1700 per month or $20,400 annually.

GoHighLevel Case Study #2 – Black Swan Media

Another GoHighLevel review from digital marketing agency Black Swan Media discussed their favorite aspects of GoHighLevel and how they ended up saving hundreds of hours with GoHighLevel on their side.

According to Black Swan Media and their GoHighLevel review, their main uses for GoHighLevel include client acquisition, business automation (of several processes), client retention and client fulfillment, link building automation, scalable CRM uses, marketing funnel building, revenue and lead tracking, increased ROI for clients’ ad spend, and reputation management.

Black Swan Media replaced a number of tools by switching over to GoHighLevel, skipping the free trial and going straight to their paid account. Whereas previously they were paying monthly fees to Mailchimp, ClickFunnels, Leadpages, CallFire, Zapier, and WordPress, they managed to replace all necessary functionality from those tools with GoHighLevel’s compact bundle.

Their GoHighLevel review includes their top methods and tips for using GoHighLevel:

  1. Automating client onboarding and acquisition
  2. Automating link building by plugging prospect websites into multi-channel outreach campaigns and funneling them into information-request sequences
  3. Conversion rate optimization by booking appointments immediately with GoHighLevel’s force calling prompts for the client
  4. Client retention system through tracking inbound calls, SMS text messages, and leads and organizing these into pipelines; analytics with connected platforms such as Google My Business
  5. Business automation, including automation reporting and call tracking, automating nurture follow-up sequences, automation onboarding messages and packages, automating voicemail drops or voice calls to customers, and more

Black Swan Media spends a lot of their time focusing on marketing funnel building, so they write a thorough comparison of GoHighLevel versus the traditional leader in marketing funnel building, Clickfunnels.

They conclude (which we agree with) that Clickfunnels has fallen behind in terms of what they offer and how their platform has failed to evolve over the years. While Clickfunnels gives you the basics, GoHighLevel picks up where Clickfunnels stops and continues to grow in terms of functionality and customer support.

Chapter 5:
GoHighLevel Review and Final Round-Up

Our final review – is GoHighLevel worth the hype? In this chapter we wrap it all up and give you the most honest answer to the question: should your agency sign up to GoHighLevel?

GoHighLevel and ProfitEngines – How We Turned GoHighLevel Into Our Agency Engine

Our team and agency, CustomerBloom, have been around since pretty much the start of the digital marketing era, so we’ve seen it all. When we discovered GoHighLevel a few years ago, we immediately saw the potential in this platform and began setting up what would become our key tool in client retention and our top-level services: ProfitEngines.

Before GoHighLevel, our team were stuck juggling a handful of separate apps all tied together with Zapier. While this was an “okay” solution at the time, it limited our flexibility and scalability, and limited the transparency we could offer our clients without leading them to third-party clients (which you don’t really want to do).

GoHighLevel allowed us to…

  • Set up our own custom platform which clients could access and manage their CRM and other services from a single platform
  • Consolidate our tools to one app, cutting thousands of dollars in costs per month and countless overall hours in maintaining these tools and accounts
  • Create a new revenue stream by allowing us to resell the GoHighLevel software as a service under our own brand, and extra through an affiliate program

Essentially, GoHighLevel is pure profit for us, as we can use it as if it’s our own marketing software package to resell and share without the need to shoulder any operational and financial burdens.

Savings have been immense. We’ve cut thousands of dollars every month while adding revenue through effective reselling of the software. With over two years of building and growing ProfitEngines on Go HighLevel’s software, we’ve given our agency a financial and operational boost we never would have thought could be so easily achieved.

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